Tuesday, May 7, 2013

T for Tuesday, tea, and tangents...

It's very drabby, humid,wet, and nonsensically cold for May here in the Mid-Atlantic. I'm having a cup of tea and pondering many things. For one, I feel gross. I think that seasonal depression is a true ailment. I miss the sun. I'm not motivated to go work out. I'm moody and blah... like the weather.

Currently drinking: Pu-erh Tea ("Red Tea") This tea is very popular in Chile and has a reputation for being nothing short of a wellness miracle. There are many health benefits associated with Pu-erh and you can read all about it on the Internet.

This is pu-erh. It looks like mulch. It tastes like wood but it will make you feel like a Bionic Woman.

I'm also sitting at a desk and I'm getting ansty. I need to be tazed and/or hypnotized so I can not feel like a robot a la Marina and The Diamonds:

Speak of the devil, I just got yelled at for something dumb. Grr. I hate beurocratic workplaces.

Drinking tea made me think of a song by The Kink's called "Have a cuppa tea:"

Then, I decided to get motivated and made a list of little things I should and could do... and will and can do to feel better:

Quick fixes:
  1. Tan
  2. Do shoulder weights every day (easy toning-guranteed)
  3. Slather my body in Nivea lotion (I loveeee it)
  4. Eat HEALTHY... I used to follow a vegetarian and at times vegan diet... then I switched jobs, broke up with my ex-bf, was depressed, blah blah... didn't care about anything, and here I am... I also used to work with kids, which was phenomenal! They made me feel so loved and fulfilled! But life can't be all rainbows and unicorns, and I needed money, so I had to leave the whimsical world of early childhood education.. and now I'm a bitter office-lady.
  5. Look at pretty blogs for inspiration: one of my favs: The Skinny Confidential

The bigger picture/Note to self: Re-establish neurotic routines that worked and made you feel so much better.

1 comment:

  1. TEA“It’s a great no-calorie alternative to water,” Bonci said. “It provides so many options for flavor and versatility. You can have it hot or cold. And you don’t have to put anything in it, though you might want to add a cinnamon stick or some ginger. That means you’re able to hydrate with something other than water alone.”
