It finally felt like spring! Yay!
The weather was almost balmy... the sun was shining and I was very happy to leave my office for an hour and walk around.
I've tried to get into the habit of walking around on my lunch break. I hate sitting at a desk for 8 hours. For the sake of being honest, I will also now admit that I have a slight fear of getting fat. This is a complicated and sensitive subject for me, but why lie about it? I go through phases of extreme health, with binges of... well, binges. The thing to remember -according to my sister- is that as long as boys are willing to hook-up with you, you aren't completely that off-track and you can go ahead and eat whatever you want. I think it's also important to remember that (heterosexual) boys are usually willing to hook up with girls regardless of pretty-much anything (give or take some things... like a penis) Her theory is great because (in a non-skewed brain moment) I'm fine and healthy, and because I don't have a penis.
I bought a yoga ball chair a few months ago, to try to help my posture (I've turned into Quasimodo) and to "strengthen my core," which is a cop-out since the best way to have a core is by getting out of the chair and doing hot-girl exercises like Pilates and yoga. I struggle with yoga because I'm not a skilled breather, but I'm getting better at it! I can get into Pilates, up until I fart start laughing. I'm getting better at pilates, too!
The warm weather was lovely and inspired me to make a playlist of catchy pop songs that I will try to run along to. (Wishful thinking that I'll be one of those runner-girls who just bop up and down the road and look hot and sign up for charity marathons... I like spandex pants and neon tank-tops, that's really why I want to be a legit runner-girl...)
Would I rather run, or not run? With a gun to my head, I would pick running. Ringo understands.
I got back from my "run" a few minutes ago, which was a "run for three songs" and then "walk the rest of the way which was also three songs" long. I was proud of myself for the first half of my run. I think I could have run a little bit longer. The walk back was nice because my legs felt the "good" kind of tired (plus I had power walked for an hour in the afternoon)... however... I was so disappointed in my illegally dl-ed playlist because the last two songs on the list didn't play all the way through. I walked back home with the headphones still in my ear, but no sound coming through. It was oddly peaceful.
Playlist for the Non-runner who loved boy-bands but is too lazy to download songs so you just take what you get from whatever car CD mixes are lying around (that's right, I don't even connect my Ipod in the car)
1. Give your heart a break - Demi Lovato
2. Some Nights - FUN
3. The New Workout Plan - Kanye
4. I love it (I don't care) - Icona Pop
5. Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
6. I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift
5. Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
*Songs 5 and 6 were very scratched.